

  • Featured,  Mental Health

    Falling into Your Orbit

    Woman Falling into Water

    I’ve thought about The way the wind would whip my hair Away from my face just seconds before I find my end there On the rocks below Before your very presence brought A kind of happiness I wasn’t aware existed The kind I thought was mythical, you know?

  • Mental Health

    Unconventional Tuesday 

    woman hugging boy on her lap

    The morning of the first Tuesday of December, I was staying at my uncle's house because, until the night before, we had had a very unstable week.  Otherwise, I'm not someone who spends the night anywhere outside. There was something about that morning that did not add up.

  • Mental Health

    Two Secrets

    Silhouette of a Person Standing in Hallway

    When you discover a secret, you have two options.  I say “discover” because a secret is not made to be found out, except only by accident.  I say “when” because most secrets are easy to discover, and your two options are pulled by a scale.

  • Mental Health

    Ripping Off The Words

    a woman's eye with tears coming down in black and white

    What's a good picture for you? mine is the one in which I’m the happiest. it’s fascinating how the parts of us that we don’t appreciate enough are the parts  most worthy of appreciation. and I don't just mean appearances.

  • Mental Health


    lone sunflower growing in a field

    To the one who has arrived Bringing lucidity to an interrupted- And wandering life That was once tribulated,  But is now contented

  • Mental Health


    woman and her reflection all fuzzy in front of her

    SANE: A word I have never quite been acquainted with. I was brought up by someone who physically used my head to punish the walls of the house she found no peace in.  How could “sane” possibly live here? Blindfolded by my desire to run from that hellhole, I thought the only road leading to happiness is marriage. 

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